Wednesday, July 7, 2004

Discovery of the day: German country-Western music, specifically a guy called Tom Astor who, in addition to singing a mean "Country Roads Take Me Home", has a power-trucker-ballad called, no kidding, "Sturm und Drang", as well as a song for which I found the following possibly-poorly-transcribed lyric:

Fahr in die Redneck Riviera,
Marguaritas, icecream, Florida sunshine,
Cowboys, pick-up-trucks and Dosenbier,
Redneck girls, die gibt es nur hier.
nur in der Redneck Riviera.

I suppose all this shouldn't seem quite so bizarre -- after all, I come from a line of German Texans. And there's a genuine country-western classic called "Fraulein", about an American longing for his German lover, which I came to know from Townes Van Zandt's great cover, though just last week I heard a version of it in French, on a Quebec Internet radio station.

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