Sunday, August 22, 2004

[email fragment] Yeah, the Warhol book was the one by Koestenbaum. It was quite stylish/stylized, but I got the feeling that it (and the series) are kind of designed to be read by people who are already familiar with the subjects' conventional bios. The strange thing is, most of what I previously knew about Warhol came from this article we ran in [the magazine] a few years back, about the depth of his oft-overlooked religious faith and practice -- the daily masses, the work in soup kitchens, etc. So I was familiar with Andy the Closet Catholic, and now, thanks to the latest bio, with Andy the Supergay Filmmaker (the only graphics in the book were 1 ballpoint drawing and a half-dozen black and white stills from "Empire" and "Blow-Job" and "Haircut No. 1"). But the central field of vision's still somewhat a blur.

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